Most of our workshops are one-day-long and focus on either a specific plant, a specific process of medicine-making, or both. Plant Walks are usually about 4 hours long and aim to expose participants to a wide variety of plants growing in a specific area.
We are based near Reno, Nevada and the Truckee Meadows, a diverse ecological region lying between the Sierra Nevada mountains to the west and the vast Great Basin Desert to the east. The continual transition between high mountains and high desert, arid expanses and wetland oases, provides us with a bounty of habitats supporting numerous edible and medicinal plants. We strive to offer each person a complete and hands-on experience by combining time in the field with time in the herb lab. We believe that only by doing can a person transform information into true understanding and knowledge.
Upcoming Workshops and Plant Walks ~ 2022
- Sunday, 9/11 - From Tree to Shining Tree: Conifers of the Eastern Sierra
Free Plant Walk Conifers - pines, firs, and other cone-bearing trees - cover the slopes of the Sierra
Nevada Mountains, they are the forest. On this walk you will get to know - and how
to distinguish - the 10 or so different conifers that grace the Eastern Slopes of the Sierra
by exploring the diversity of conifers from foothill to treeline. We will drive the
Mount Rose Highway and stop and walk at several locations. The terrain will be mostly
easy-going with one short off-trail excursion. Total walking distance will be about 2 miles. There is no fee for this walk but you need to register, which you do by e-mailing me at ~ 10am - 2pmish - Transportation is necessary, ride-sharing is encouraged
- Saturday, 9/24 - Plant Walk. Place yet to be determined, but the walk will take place along one of the mountain creeks flowing into the Truckee River. ~ $45 / 10am - 2pmish
- October ~ Saturday, 10/15 - Essential Oil Distillation. An introduction to the art and science of distillation. We will harvest sagebrush leaves (and maybe one other plant) in the morning then head to the herb lab at the River School Farm to set up the apparatus for distillation. Each participant will take home a small vial of all essential oils we distill that day. ~ $110 / 9am - 4pmish
- November ~ Saturday, 11/19 - Tincture by Percolation. This is almost a lost art! We will go through this technical process step-by-step and each participant will take hope a bottle of the full-strength tincture we process that day. This will be a lab-only workshop (no time in the field) at the River School Farm. ~ $110 / 10am - 4pmish
- December ~ Enjoy the Holiday Season, Family and Friends, warm clothes and hot cocoa. We will kick off the 2023 season with the Balsam Poplar workshop in either January or February.
Past Workshops & Plant Walks:
- Wildcrafting: Elderberry - August, 2022
- Plant Walk on the Comstock - June, 2022
- Weeds. Worts, and Roots: Foraging for Edible and Medicinal Plants - offered every year in May
- Western Sierra Plant Walk - April, 2022
- Wildcrafting: Balsam Poplar - February, 2022
- Wildcrafting: Chokecherry - October 23, 2021
- Wildcrafting: Elderberry - August, 2021
- Wildcrafting: Red Root - July, 2021
- Wildcrafting: Balsam Root - June, 2021