Welcome To Taking Root Botanica
Understanding our connection with the Earth through the wisdom of plants helps each of us to find and maintain our own unique, delicate balance. Plants affect us in remarkable ways, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychically. By understanding the transformation that plants can effect in us, then working with them in whatever ways are most appropriate, we begin to tap into their deeply rooted wisdom.
A personal, practical knowledge of plants and their uses has always been a vital life skill for individuals and cultures living in harmony with the Earth. Exploring Nature’s Green Realm and deepening our intimate connections with the power of plants is where our passion lies. We extend this passion to you in the form of holistic herbalism, offering workshops in herbal medicine, wildcrafting, wild edible and medicinal plants, medicine-making, and plant identification. We invite you to take root and begin - or deepen - your own relationship with the Green Realm.